Bossy Boss Poem by Kingsley Egbukole

Bossy Boss

Rating: 1.5

Have you met him
The bossy boss
If you have
I guess you wished
You never had
If you never did
You do be wondering
What is it about him

I wish someday you do
Only then would you appreciate
The bossy boss

He remembers not yesterday
Where he came from
And wishes that today never end
If tomorrow is considered
Where he will be
He wished it be like today

The gullible who bow down
Are his idea of loyalty
Who receive unmerited favours
For no work done
And those who play by the rules
Are arrogant and recalcitrant
Punished and stagnated
Regardless of visible input

If the bossy boss
Happens to be a lady
Sorry, pray, pray and pray again
Else forget you were there.

(Sunday 6th October,2019,2.44pm)

Thursday, October 10, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: leaders,relationship,relationships,respect,work
Akhtar Jawad 14 January 2020

If the bossy boss Happens to be a lady Sorry, pray, pray and pray again Else forget you were there....................very interesting.

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Kingsley Egbukole 14 January 2020

Highly appreciated Akhtar. Thank you.

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Michael Walker 16 November 2019

I have always felt reservations about bosses, male or female. Your poem encapsulates my experience of a lifetime of bosses. Great.

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Kingsley Egbukole 14 January 2020

Well appreciated Michael. Thanks for your comment.

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Edward Kofi Louis 10 October 2019

Regardless! ! ! ! Muse of the Bossy Boss. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Kingsley Egbukole 11 October 2019

Thank you Edward. I appreciate

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