Boxing Day Poem by anais vionet

Boxing Day

Rating: 5.0

It's boxing day (the Brit name for the day after Christmas) and Pamela, Lisa's grandmother is visiting our little pandemic ark. Pamela's a Cowboys fan so we're watching them slaughter Washington - between commercials - but now a Tesla commercial is running. "Those electric cars, " Pamala says dubiously, "seem problematic."

"You've heard of global warming, haven't you, Pamala? " Leeza says. Leeza addresses everyone (even her grandmother) as if they were her age (12) . It's both seductive and lazy. "This whole system, " she raises her arms to include the apartment, the city and America, "will collapse - we're DOOOOMED, " she concludes, as if speechifying to an eager crowd.

"Everyone's heard of climate change, " Pamela says, sipping her eggnog. Pamela is as well informed as any of us and seems rather envious of the future, even the coming awfulness.
"Leeza's her own theatre, " Her mom says, grimacing indulgently.
Leeza's full attention was now on the pastry tray - having spotted two small eclairs under the bear claws - she'd lost interest in the conversation and saving the planet.

"The system won't collapse, " Will says. Will received his early acceptance letter from Harvard the other day and now he knows everything. "We'll lose Florida, South Carolina and New York, " he pronounces calmly, "so there'll be some.. migrations."
"Thank you, professor, " Lisa says, rolling her eyes as if to say "Harvard people."
"I think the Covid might get us all - before climate change, " I say, in the spirit of the holiday.
"Well, " Will says, grinning, "that's what ALL the people at inferior colleges think."

Leeza, passing by my easychair, curls into my lap like a cat, gently petting my hair. "Don't be mean to MY friend, " she says, purringly - I was suddenly her possession. Lisa comes out of her chair, a sly smile on her face, to lay crosswise atop Leeza (and me) .
"Ugg, " I managed to say, squirming to get comfortable, then "Akkkk."
Lisa says, "Leave my poor roomie alone! " and starts baby-kissing my head."
Will starts in our direction like HE'S going to pile on. "Egggg! I shrek, "HELP! "
Pamela whoops with glee as Dallas scores another touchdown.
"Like beating a dead dog with a stick, " she says.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: climate change,boxing day,humor,teen,cowboys
holiday football chatter
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