Broken Bonds Poem by Mwenyeji Spikes

Broken Bonds

There is a path to light
Brighter days for our society tomorrow
To extinguish hurt in homes
Broken bonds when we seclude our own
Simply because our nest is bound in negativity.

Broken bonds families separated
Where is the love that bound us together?
Before predicaments we shared smiles
If we care enough to lend an ear
This time we might get the message loud and clear
The time to unite our hands
In the fight against stigma is now here.

Strong bonds that lasted have now disappeared
The way we look at each other
Bespeaks of roused suspicion and condemnation
Wasn't it the doing in will after all?
We silently whisper
Judgment, the evil seed has sprouted in hearts
Broken bonds have left us in deep hurt.

Questions linger in our minds
Unfullfilment as we encode a message
Broken bonds when we no longer learn
How to live, life and love
Our concern and hands extended to reach out with love
Live with consciousness
That though you may not be infected
In a way we are all affected

Broken bonds
Burning down bridges
Building up walls is not the way at all
Let's hold our hands together
Eat, share and be one in unity
In love respect and apprehension of the fact that we are all one.

Broken Bonds
Monday, February 8, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: readers
Chinedu Dike 13 September 2020

Insightful utterances set aside for honest reflection.

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