Burn The Threads Of Hate Poem by Melvina Germain

Burn The Threads Of Hate

Envy expose the brutal taste of sin and
detest the bright and cherry life of those
you choose to offend. The wrath of fear
rises high behind old tongues of leisure.
Without true armour, a bloodstained war begins.

Priviledge stood beyond the door of no return
while hopelessness burned within souls of those who
cringe in pain. A judgemental society holds still with
solemn faces. At the helm no compassion ever seems
to reign. Bloodstained streets, death takes its toll.

White horses stood lined up like a structured wall
with pride, decency and swords so very tall.
Hope seeps through where tears for vengeance
boldly rise, while the light of blue replace the
grayest sky. But the struggle never ceased as
religion holds tight the whip.

The old, the new, some things never truly change,
a backlash bites down hard with no restrain.
Virtuous deeds of nightingales soon seem forgotten
while black youth walk in deadly fear, bullets pierce
the air. Division of uncertainty plants hate through
and through.

When will justice point its royal finger
King of kings, Prince of Princes rule victoriously.
No colour barriers, no status quo, no wall of
segregation as we know. When will these
barriers open wide and true equality come forth
from where it hides.

One day perhaps a reconing will come to be,
a masters deploma served as the highest degree,
given to you, given to me. Peace may soar among
the land from the blackest black to the whitest man,
and all the beauties in between, no colour ever
more shall be seen.

The aged often loses their will to hate pondering more
on what's beyond God's gate. With questions lingering,
why O why, reaching breathlessly beyond the unknown
sky. No prejudice, no bigotry, and racism died in

As film covered eyes look on and can no longer see.
A racist may wonder, where did life carry me. After
living in the darkest hole of hate, Black care-givers
may stand in wait. Will compassion come along in
peace or will the pain of long ago soon release.

Who knows what the future will truly bring. May the
blanket of peace erase the horror and let love win. O let
tranquil words and loving arms embrace the new and
and forgive the old that once blurred the deepest blue.

Is there to be an end lost by the lack of what man has
yet to befriend. Money can not fight true power never
seen. This vast and enormous universe may swallow
earths insignificant beings. No worry, no worry left for
wanton souls. The universe holds true all power and

Much hope for peace could lay deep within the infinite
sea. Hurricanes, Tornados, floods of a great Sunami
wash clean our tainted earth where evil cast its spell.
Good spirits, worry not you'll surely rise from hell.

Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Sept.12/2015
Time: 1: 45am

Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Sydney, Nova Scotia
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