Can I Borrow Your Face? Poem by Patrick Coates

Can I Borrow Your Face?

Rating: 5.0

Why such a face so alone and in woe?
This lovely one cast with eyes in blue shadows?

The pretty face, which glows, eyes like gold.
This sweet space made for bliss and to love.

Whispered words in ears softly as prose…
In the heavens are angels so beautiful?

As you appear to me in this place?
A warm face the sun shows with his ray.

Like cherry trees cheeks' now turn red rose blushing
See your mask melts away like spring snows.

If you are a box of chocolate, it's my favorite piece.
Lips dry tears with wet kisses,
that fall to your feet.

Can I borrow your face?
Lovely one made up in eye shadows?

Can I borrow that face?
The one, which has eyes like gold?

May I borrow your face?
This sweet space
made for bliss and to love.

Let me borrow your face,
To whisper words in ears softly as prose.
Can I borrow your face my love?

Can I Borrow Your Face?
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love,romance,romantic,woman
Silvia 05 September 2018

Very beautiful my friend! Wishing you the best with the book as well. Xoxo

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Annette Aitken 15 October 2016

Love the title..and the rest lol it draws you in as you read along...nice work Annette

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