Change The Future Poem by Rachel Brewer

Change The Future

I think about when we were younger,
Just us, so free and careless.
Nothing to worry about or complain about.
I look back and wonder, where did those days go?

I don’t understand,
How did all those days go by so fast?
If I’d known they would be gone now,
I would have appreciated them so much more.

I would have cherished each moment as if it was my last,
And I wouldn’t have let anything slip by.
I want to relive those days so much.
When we had nothing to be ashamed of.

We were young, and stupid!
We would do anything and be fearless,
Now all I have left is the fear.
How did this happen?

Now I feel empty,
I feel regret and pain,
And I miss you,
How did this happen?

I want to go back to those days and stay there forever.
I don’t like my future,
And if I’d known I could have changed it.
So I want to go back.

I want to go back and make better decisions.
I want to go back and do things right.
I want to change the future.
But I know it’s too late now.

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