Change Your Mind, Change Your Destiny Poem by Preston Mwiinga

Change Your Mind, Change Your Destiny

You are down and very ashamed to rise again because your fall was with shame.
You are a touching story because
Your life is characterized by failure.
Everything you touch seems to get into a mess because your hands are like a curse, your tears cannot even fit in a suitcase, they are like a court case, bringing your race to an indefinite base because in the game of chess, there is no reverse. Olo ulina beautiful face not kuli nurse.
Hey black child do you know who you are?
Hey black child do you know that you can rise above your fears and challenges of life even when your life is listed on the ways to die? , You can still rise to the challenge of jobs and wealth creation, your life is capital enough for the change.
Hey black child do you know that your negative critical analysis can lead to your paralysis? Your failure is not final, you can rise above the skies like a proud Zambian eagle.
Hey black child do you know that you can cryptographic ally decry pt that which is encrypted in your success?
Hey black child it is possible if you take in the special antidote, *Change your mind, change your destiny*.
They might have tried to bury you, but listen, you have the power to germinate and rise because you are a black Jew

Change Your Mind, Change Your Destiny
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