Changing Thoughts Poem by AHO Speaks

Changing Thoughts

When I was in my Mothers womb she thought of me and for me; and when I became a baby;

She nurtured me and when I became a child I thought as a child and when I became a young boy

I thought as a young boy and when I became a teenager I thought as a teenager and when I became

a young man I thought as a young man and when I entered the labor market I thought about my

work and when I became a man I thought as a man and when I became a married man

I thought as a married man and when I became a father I thought as a father and when I became a

grandfather I thought as a grandfather and when it was my time to leave; my male energy was

taken away and all my thoughts, words and actions waited to be judged for their intent and I ceased

to be a human being.

The above is basically the same as yesterday, today and tomorrow
We move from one to the other saving none; nor can we delay or borrow.

Change is crucial for the growth of every form of earthly life.

All earthly knowledge, wisdom and discoveries are applicable only to our solar system, our planet and what contributes to our becoming human beings.

Every life form on earth is made of energy, matter and chemicals for only the human has the capacity for thought, to use and pass on to future generations this thought, so they can develope into conscious, rationale thinking unique beings who have been blest with a mobile body and sense's to support the mind to cope with and understand its external world and also its physical body.

Without our earthly sun earth would be as our moon of lifelessness, uninhabitable and not suitable to support humanity.

A door is open and the intensity of light is to illuminate truth.

04-14-06 Aho Speaks

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