Children Not To Be Dissuaded Are Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

Children Not To Be Dissuaded Are

what are stars, meteors, planets, nebulae, mist, clouds,
showers, waves, particles, colours, configurations of birds,
whirlwinds, but the calligraphy of God
though some would call Him empty space
are stars Lord over Him then ah human race
what beauty has He not sought to dispense
with only the forethought of Love in molding
melding Chaos and nasturtiums
yet we credit Him not who have forgotten everything,
forgetting Him
and so poetry for the most part, leaving grace
has hidden the tangerine hymns, forbidding them welling up
in any language now, has become a
wasteland and dire. drained, entirely drained
of dazzlement. merriment. JOY. the sweet, and
deep dear possibilities, the cerise mysterious...
the apparitions of cherry or cherub
of violet aftermirage
still it must be painted in the skies of children
spackling the april trees with lime green
that He is, who know their finger painting
has not altered the skies even one
iota though He is secretly pleased
with their pink and blue tints
answering His, that sudden spontaneous
splash of lemon
that carnival or cardinal
Christmas trimming the evergreens
so they praise him with their
crayons, happy in the things He has made
and, plucking the roses in their dreams
cloud from cloud.
cannot be dissuaded otherwise
by those who lie.
or have only become, for awhile, too weary.

mary angela douglas 3 april 2023

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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