Class Reunion Poem by Ency Bearis

Class Reunion

Rating: 5.0

Together we came along, at least
for recollection of those yesteryears
from the time of our high school year
they say that year was the best

Years passed by
Different pathways we got through
Cycle of life we let it flow
Though others had bade goodbye

Photographs we had - other vanished
In hand of God some classmates were taken
We hope they rest in peace and in heaven
As one by one from earth they faded

We miss our friends
They were our classmates
They were our playmates
Some of them were your best friends

Sad to say this is the trend
But that's the part of life we live in
Reality we face this is it within
But we still continue the reunion we intend

Memories of high school years we recollect
Laugh to our young minds deed
Relive our naughtiness and crack head
Happiness are here we seek

Can we do this again?
As age is taking our mundane
How many more years to attain?
And shall we meet again?

Ency Bearis
2010 All rights reserved

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
nola hutchinson 06 September 2018

do you have one for deceased class mates/

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Ency Bearis 06 September 2018

I do have some. but I published it in my published book. I'll dig on my compilation and may publish it here in PH later when I find it.

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nola hutchinson 06 September 2018

class reunion love it also every 5 years we have a reunion this will be our 60th i have make a little booklet for them to take home would love it to put it in ours

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Ency Bearis 06 September 2018

That's great to give this poem to everyone in your class reunion.

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nola hutchinson 06 September 2018

i love your poem it will be our 60th next june i would love to have a copy of this for our 60th. i don`t see anywhere to print offof hear would you care if i used it if i find a way to get a copy

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Ency Bearis 06 September 2018

Thanks for liking this poem of mine. Yes you can have a copy of this poem. As you scroll down, you may see in box the user rating, under it there's an icon to click print friendly version, just click and you can have a copy of this poem.

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Joseph Vincent Orlanda 06 April 2010

class reunions...if i could only turn the hands of time...

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Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 25 February 2010

Schoolmatedom is both flood gate of joy [with alives] and turbulent trauma [deceased] Well it is over simplification as destiny …we must embosom the charms of Schoolmatedom…for sad we must be grieved but lets us extol the beauteous bounties 10 Ms. Nivedita UK

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