Cleanliness Is Not Always Godliness Poem by Rhymer Rhymer

Cleanliness Is Not Always Godliness

Know it?
Obey it?
The factor of cleanliness and holiness
Mass measure them same
Sensible say shame!

All cleanliness is not holiness
Cleanliness an outward factor
And the holiness an inward factor
It is in the hands and limbs
Holiness is in the heart!

In the law of religion cleanliness must
But in the system of way or tariqa holiness must
Water in ablution cleans the body
But determination of goodness of will / taubah cleans the heart
As it is related with the terror of god; s PUNISHMENT
Ablution thrusts 5 sense organs to good god
But taubah thrusts your kwalb/heart to good god
Taubah gives permanent seats of terror of revenge by god
But ablution gives temporary peace that is fickle
Cleanliness brings honor from mass
Holiness brings honor from god
God's revenges is temporarily in the mind
That's why we do bad or the worst!

Whose are they can pray with real holiness of mind
If so why cant' meet GOOD god in the prayer/salat
If so why commit immoral acts
Prayers are increasing but moral scale of the society is decreasing
Anyone involved in the prayer can't hurt the other of the Que
The killer of Ali (peace be upon him)stood for prayer
He was clean but not was he holy minded
He stabbed Ali pbuh in the Prayer Mat!

In battle of karbala
Two groups faced each other
One has the holiness of mind but others didn't have
In that struggle there were 700 hafij of quran/ reciter of the holy Quran
Here also the cleanliness killed the holiness
So stained heart Quran reciter or salat performer
Both are in vain
Cleanliness not always HOLINESS/ GODLINESS
Do you realize sir
Holiness is stainless HEART! !

Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: clean,holy
Rhymer Rhymer

Rhymer Rhymer

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