Closeness Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems


Wherever I look, you are found there,
Hither, thither, I look whithersoever,
Hidden in air and bidden to appear,
You surface there like inner deep desire
And console my soul with your smile,
And light my heart for a long while,
Till you then recede back to your veil.

I wondered oft and wandered to catch,
But you slip always from my weak hands,
For, you are there in world beyond my reach,
How can soiled hands catch the divine you?
When I lapse to grief because of losing you,
I hear you giggle and invite to catch you
As if you play to cheer up me for the life;
How can I rise again from the pit of grief
While you are so near, yet blindingly far?

Like silver-edged cloud in the golden sky,
I know that you yearn to drop like rain,
Drench me with joy by your presence;
But, alas, silvery clouds drop not rains,
They are set too high closer to the sun
To drop on earth made up of earthly sins;
I know the spider web you are caught in with,
You can't disentangle, nor keep on stay with it.

Both on same trough though in different worlds,
We grieve ceaseless for each other's closeness;
How long should we bear this timeless distress?
How long should we bear distance between us?
Yet we know that we are not distant from each,
Sailing on same boat to the same golden coast
On time's slow flow to the eternal ecstatic land;
It is the solace within, we dearly bear on souls
Till each other forever we discover without a veil
Of time and space that stands too tall between us.

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