Cmp 04. His Early Childhood Days Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Cmp 04. His Early Childhood Days


He drank milk in some house.
He ate all the rice in others,
When nothing was there to eat
He broke all their clay pots.

When he was suddenly caught,
He would then grab their feet,
Saying, "I'll not do it again, "
And plead for their pardon.

Quiet they would remain
As their love and affection
For him melted them more
Than to show their anger.

In his early childhood days
He was very mischievous
And remained too restless
To be taken care of by elders.

One day two thieves met
Nimai walking in the street,
Nicely they said to him,
They would take him home.

His ornaments of pure gold
To steal, they stood bold.
A cunning plan they laid out
To take him to their own hut.

But by his yoga trick
Their legs turned to walk
Towards his house front,
Unaware of this, they went.

All the jewels, to take out,
For them, it was too late,
They ran away out of fear
When his father was near.

Seeing him, his father
And the crying mother,
All the while they were sad.
A sight of relief, they had.

When his father asked,
"Two men, " he replied,
"Brought me here this day,
When I had lost my way."

Fortunate were the thieves
To carry on their shoulders,
Nimai, who came to deliver,
In his role, as a Divine Master.

Friday, July 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: ancient
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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