Collect, Debrief, Restore Control Poem by Julia Luber

Collect, Debrief, Restore Control

Rating: 3.9

There were times the sun came down so close to me,
I felt that I had touched it almost lovingly.
Its warmth would clear my mind and heat my soul……
Collect, Debrief, Restore Control.

I'd see a shade in time with eyes collected one,
from every angle different of the same positioned sun.

I'd know exactly where and when and why.
I'd know what need for truth and also need for lie.

I'd see the way the world would move through time and epochs too.
And Identify and I and identify and you.

And then I'd find myself regardless through and through.
Unsure that it was me who needed to do what to do.

Monday, June 10, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: sun
This poem is at the end of the Afterlach, a fictional saga series. An overwhelming challenge looms as the character reflects upon what it was like to be naive.

And then I'd find myself regardless through and through. Unsure that it was me who needed to do what to do. For the reflection and the articulation, here is a full score.......10

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Julia Luber 25 June 2019

You're a very generous reader and rater; thank you!

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Here i am, dear Poetess, reading your beautiful poem - 'warming my mind and soul.' From what i have gathered after more than fifteen years of study of Indian Philosophy that it is important to know the opposites. For instance - the heat and the cold, happiness and sorrow, pure and impure. Only then, we can make a choice or a distinction. Absolutel Julia, the last verse says it all.

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Julia Luber 25 June 2019

I am so pleased you are reading Indian Philosophy into my poetry- such a rich and colorful culture you have; I am honored I have touched upon any of its perspectives over here so far away. I suppose Bollywood and Hollywood aren't so far apart in mind and soul!

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Julia Luber 13 June 2019

I'm surprised there are no responses to this one. I actually consider it might be the best of the sixteen I've posted!

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