The Earth Was Heavy Poem by Julia Luber

The Earth Was Heavy

Rating: 4.9

The earth was heavy, but the sun was light.
Through that which circled that the whole was bright.

Concealing no wonder what to the dark of night.
Such points were peace in time; no indoctrination of a fight.

Not split. Not naught by wit.
Not what was wide nor far.

It all circled round to that one star.
How many points it had nor none could bar.
Nor make of it what could another feature mar.

That sun was light; that earth was bright!

The earth was heavy. But the sun was far.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: metaphysical,light
This poem is as well in The Afterloch, a book of my very long saga series. It is philosophical and metaphysical. And some of the fictional chapters have poems, sometimes to lighten up the mood and make the reading easier.
Jane Campion 11 June 2019

In space Earth is a pinipoint of light. A reflection of light from the sun from afar.All around there is nothing where we are held by gravity. From nothing it began and to nothing it will go. A difficult but rewarding poem. The second line of the first stanza needs refining.

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David Grzan 02 August 2019

Your panache for the philosophical and metaphysical shine through. The celestial interplay is as mystical as it is mythical.

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Julia Luber 02 August 2019

Thank you for your reading and you've understood it just like I would like it to be understood- about the metaphysical connections of these planets, earth and sun.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 01 August 2019

It all circled round to that one star/How many points it had nor none could bar/Nor make of it what could another feature mar....fascinating expression! An elegant piece of work....................10

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Julia Luber 01 August 2019

Thank you for reading and complimenting! I appreciate it!

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David Welch 11 July 2019

It does have a neat, almost bittersweet spiritual quality to it. Nice.

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Julia Luber 11 July 2019

Thank you. I'm glad you picked up on the bittersweet spirituality. That's a perfect way of explaining the emotional abstraction.

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Julia Luber 04 July 2019

You are such a supportive inspirational poet too!

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Jane Campion 04 July 2019

Dear Julia, this poem centres Earth. Thank you for your support.

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Julia Luber 04 July 2019

You are an inspiration, Jane!

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