Come Out From It Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Come Out From It

Rating: 5.0

Endless questions with no answers
Dark clouds but no thunder with continuous showers
Yes beautiful garden with lot many flowers
Fragrance and smell can be smelt by only fewer

Generation after generations have appeared
Lived for a while and disappeared
They too might have felt same and feared
But alas! Nobody so far have been spared

It is shot sure to happen
You sit in corner idle even
Death may, any time, take over
Why to fear then and search for cover?

Life is meaningless if caught up with uncertainty
Life itself is unique with best quality
Think of nothing and enjoy endless beauty
What is there to think when you are gifted by almighty?

Live as usual with much fun and joy
It is meant to be lived with and enjoyed
It is your feeling to share and spend
Wait not till approaches the end

"What after this" may ruin your fine brain?
That shall take and land you in artificial pain
No one has found suitable answer till date
Enjoy with full participation and never be late

No one knows when it will wind up and depart
We are very much in it and integral part
It is like water bubble and may burst
Think seriously about it and come out it first


Posted By: Mordabokks - on June 22,2012 i liked the message that poem sent. well penned. [ Request review ]

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LaSoaphia QuXazs This is the truth, however I do not care what will happen when death comes. I will face that when it comes. I see this way: Each man's life is like a software in God's computer, where we put in our experiences, memories, fears and hopes and only He knows what He does with that. I'd like to live forever, but if I have to go, so I will go. But, remember when one door closes another opens. Nobody knows what is on the other side, but if we learn here and now strength, complete faith, that whatever happens everything will be all right, learn not to be the slave of our stomach and such, then we will have an easier life on the other side of the door, whatever it will be. I am with you.

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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