Come Play With Me Poem by Don Parker

Come Play With Me

'Come play with me upon the sea, '
Said I to dolphins one to three,
But they replied, 'Not just now,
'We have to help an old sea cow
'Who cannot find her way back home
'Through all these waves and spin-drift foam.'

'Come play with me upon the sea, '
Said I to dolphins one to four,
BUt they replied, 'We have a chore
'That must be done just off the shore;
'A tug boat there has run aground,
'And we must see her ocean bound.'

'Come play with me upon the sea, '
Said I to Dolphins one to five,
But they replied, 'Our sakes alive,
'We cannot play 'til after five,
'Our kids will soon be home from school,
'And we must make them seaweed gruel.'

'Come play with me upon the sea, '
Said I to dolphins one to six,
'A simple game of pick-up-sticks,
'Or some such other type of tricks.'
But they weren't keen to play at all
And swam away to Seaway Mall.

By now the sun is sinking west
And I am losing all my zest
For finding dolphins in the sea
Who'll come and play along with me,
When all about me there arose
Dash and splash and even blows
As eighteen dolphins played Toss-the-Ball
With happy me at their beck and call.

Don Parker

Don Parker

Acton, Ontario, Canada
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