Continuity Poem by AHO Speaks


Each of us come from and into the various states of earthly life
Our minds are constructed with the perception of a husband and a wife
The children arrive and need their time of peace and carry no price.

There are significant differences between the female and male
For the woman was blest by God; to bring forth its children, without fail
Those blessed one's who come healthy and at times even the frail.

The children are our covenant to provide us with purpose and direction
Not to prepare them for their journey is to deny them your protection
Life is filled with obstacles to divert their concentration.

The female sheds her blood usually once a month for over thirty years
To bring forth the children of man and her God; who have no peers
Blessed is the fruit of her womb giving to each; their time to rear.

Her body swells and also changes shape
For nine months she sacrifices, while each cell is energized and mates
Then she breaks water and the babys starts to open the gate.

She is given a saddle block for the discomfort and pain
It is an amzing miracle that the female; is willing to do it; again and again
For each child brought forward she will be rewarded at her time of then.

She who nurture's protects and provides for each daughter or son
Today this goes for each child until they are almost twenty one
A Mother enters menopause and her time to have babies is done.

She carries within her the eggs for humanities future time
For nine months, she is the chalice; for the form to receive the divine
Conception to delivery is but a very short time.

Without the female the male would be as naught
He who refuses to acknowledge or be inclusive with that thought
Once he achieves power and influence; it is as though he forgot.

Every Mother has the right to see her son as a prince to become a king
But she who brings forth the queen, her grandchildren; are everything
The purpose and reason for life is a circle; unbroken as a wedding ring.

Without the inclusion of the female gender mind
Humanity will struggle and become extinct in earthly time
To deny the female participation on every council of man; is an insult to the divine.

12-15-05 Aho Speaks

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