Creation Of Life Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Creation Of Life

Nought exploded to subtle infinity,
Nought exploded to subtle infinity;
A broth of wave particles flowed forth
In time and space and dimensions
Beyond all existential conceptions.

A celestial infusion and diffusion
In violent attraction and diffraction
Broke and joined in wild confusion;
Complexities rose, transitions a'where,
Matter and energy flowered from there.

Complexities constantly in perpetual rise
In endless build of sub-atomic particles
Spawned systems of self-sustained growth;
Molecules and genes and single cell life,
Viruses and worms spawned in the strife.

Water creatures and birds in air,
And wild animals in land all over -
Accidental synthesis of complexities;
Most fell; only a few survived
While found support all around.

Matter to mind; consciousness then,
Complexities saw in succession;
No stop here; what lies then next -
All is beyond human conception,
Nothing can stand up to creation.

We are from nought, go back there,
In-between is mere confusion here;
No high or low, only accidental process;
Fall and rise, time and field accidents;
Right and wrong, mere human incidents.

Is there a subtle design behind all,
A super consciousness guiding all?
We creatures can never know the truth;
No Maths reaches there, Science dodder,
Philosophic mind can't run that far.

Thursday, April 27, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: cosmology,life,philosophy,science
Qiniso Mogale 29 April 2017

Indeed all is beyond human conception. Thanks for sharing

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