Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale Poems

An old man sitting under a tree
Sees much further than a boy
standing on top of a tree
An old man sittting at the bottom of a mountain

Sometimes, there is strength in numbers
Sometimes, the numbers are given strength
Tiny grains of sand make up the entire beach
A small handful of grains is easily moved

As world super powers threaten war
As world super powers prepare for war
As they assemble their weapons of mass destruction
As they test the might of their weapons

Rivers never go reverse
If all could emulate rivers
If all could live like rivers
Forget the past hurts

At the Mountain top I look down
and I reflect on my past
At the mountain top I look down
and I realize how far I've come

The heart does not chose whom to love
The heart does not know when to stop loving
The heart seldom reasons
The heart is ruled by emotions

Waking up every morning
That is a gift
The air we breathe
That is a gift

Nothing makes sense anymore
All seem confused and disoriented
Priorities are misappropriated
Illusions have become facts

A cry for justice
A cry for vengeance
A cry for retribution
A cry for vindication

Forgive silent apologies
Forgive unheard apologies
Forgive invisible apologies
Forgive unuttered apologies

Beauty is only skin deep
Beauty can be a façade
Beauty often times deceives
Beauty often times manipulates

Through the storms
Stand by me
Through my trials and tribulations
Stand by me

A star that once shined so bright
A star that gave many light
A star that gave many hope
A star that took away that hope

They are very important today
They have distinguished titles today
They are very proud of what they are
They are very proud of who they are

Someday death shall die
A time shall come when death shall die
Sometime in the near future death shall die
Soon and very soon death shall die

The heart won't release the one
it loved first
The heart won't let go of the one
it first loved

Wanting to be the only ones who shine
They strive to outshine
They block other people's lights
They destroy other people's lights

A thin line separates love
and hate
A thin line separates sanity
and insanity

I am an African
I am an African
African blood flows through my veins
African blood flows through my veins

On the day of their wedding they
promised to love each other forever
They vowed till death do them apart
But soon as the honeymoon was over

Qiniso Mogale Biography

Qiniso Mogale holds a Masters Degree in History, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education, and a Bachelor's Degree in Humanities. He is married to Xolisile Mogale with whom they have four (4) daughters. He is an ordained Pastor and is founder and senior pastor at Fountain of Salvation Church.)

The Best Poem Of Qiniso Mogale

An Old Man Sitting Under A Tree

An old man sitting under a tree
Sees much further than a boy
standing on top of a tree
An old man sittting at the bottom of a mountain
sees further than a boy standing on top of a mountain
The old man has acquired unmatched wisdom
The boy thinks foolishness is wisdom.

When the old man offers advice
The boy laughs mockingly
When the boy grows taller than the father
He thinks that he is now older than the father
That's why most of the youth are in graves
That's why most of the youth are in prisons
That's why most of the youth lie critically in hospitals
That's why many die young
That's why many wont experience old age
They refuse to listen to old men
They scorn the advice of old men
Standing on top of a tree a boy mistakenly believes
that he sees further than an old man sitting under the tree.

Qiniso Mogale Comments

Nomcebo Nhlabatsi 04 May 2018

Such inspiring poems.

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He is good

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Kumarmani Mahakul 23 November 2017

Qiniso Mogale from Manzini, Swaziland is a very nice multi-talented, intelligent international poet of this age who is young and dynamic. His poems reflect high values which are beneficial for society. He speaks truth through humor and metaphor about current political status. His poems on love, life, nature, religions and politics carry philosophical values. Mogale's legendary achievement shines always. He is a poetic star who shines bright. May God bring happiness for him and family!

2 1 Reply
Chris Embrick 23 September 2017

This great poet does not mince words when it comes to God and the truth. His poems are thoughtful and rich in both truth, beauty, and intelligence. He has much wisdom to share with the rest of mankind. God blesses those who give him the Glory. You are truly blessed my friend and fellow poet. When you search and ask for wisdom, God is generous. He has given you a treasure chest of gems to share with the world. Thank you.

2 1 Reply

Qiniso Mogale Quotes

Mistakes must serve as lessons equipping the people who made the mistakes not to repeat the same mistakes in future. Future generations must also learn from such mistakes: that's the sole necessity of History. History was never meant to repeat itself

We often run other peoples races neglecting our own races in the process. On judgement day we have to account for our own races and I wonder what will most people tell God?

Material treasures can not be taken to the spirit World. Most people are concerned with temporary things. The devil has them exactly where he wants them.

Let all live knowing all shall die. Death has no favorites.

Emotions and faith have never complimented each other; instead they have always competed against each other.

We can never outrun God Almighty because He is Everywhere; it is a futile exercise which would be best realised whilst one is still young.

Many need to understand that in exercising their rights they should not step on other people's rights.

Our souls must not be sold to the devil no matter how much money he offers.

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