Crossed Eye Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Crossed Eye

Crossed eye

I took time to read some
On world of "Crossed-Eyes!

The cause was the keepers
And holders of helm, rein
As well as the ones hurt.

Relation is bad, mean
With stench; and stink!

Felt being in bathtub
Water-filled; is lukewarm
Covered with foam of soap.
In it was a person, all alone
Broke gas to have fun;
Watched bubble in climb!

The men of greed are
Copies of that bubble;
Like Trump, President
In "White House, USA! "

This hollow, brainless
Tickles me to laughter
With his words appeared
In site called: "Twitter."

"To many millions
Of people in Iraq
Wanting their freedom,
Not Iran dominance,
From far, as neighbour;
This is time…! "

Somebody, for God's sake
Open Jackass ears
And force him to hear
The words that he musters.

Guess he has crossed eyes
And views things blurred.

He is like the Grinch
Damages everything,
When awake or asleep
Factual, in dreams…

I, surely, know no one
As harmful as this one!

He is same as the wind
Broken in bathtub…
That bubbled with stink…

Wow, he bursts in speech
To many Iraqis:
"You are free if only
Be my dogs, mine, I, me…! "

He is deaf and blind
To the deaths and blood
That he shed in Iraq
By planes showing off
Flag of the stars, stripes…

And who was behind the
Bombs that fell with pride:
"We flew to shoot down, "
Children, old and young?

Crossed eye he is since
Is ocean with greed.

Anything to him is
Ladder for climbing
To expose and be seen.
This Jackass is too sick;
Watch him when playing
In TV serial "Home Alone! "
He replies in turning, pointing
To washroom, toilet…

Will someone be kind to
Remind him who he is?

Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: political
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