Culture Of Love Poem by THEODORE MOSLEY

Culture Of Love

Stray bullets intercept lives in the urban community of slaves.

Little black girls and little black boys surrender without negotiations.

Malia's excitement for her freedom became her death sentence at seven in her culture of love.

Michael's new bike was bliss beyond measure he was eight; the chalk outline of his body instituted a memorial for his culture of love.

Tia is seven months pregnant when her culture of love laid her to rest with bullets of indirect movements.

Michelle is single with four children; she is exonerated of her life in her culture of love that defiled her bed.

Bobby is sleeping with the window open; his culture of love molested him with eyes of friendship as a six year old.

Bobby at twenty five is a serial killer who entreats victims with music boxes in his culture of love.

Jane's divorce of thirty years to John left him decapitated in her culture of love.

Shannon's motherhood of six derailed her mind; the exorcisms of her children were her gift to her culture of love.

There is no respect of person in the culture of love; time and chance happeneth to them all!

Written by Theodore Mosley
August 29,2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: death,love,love and dreams,love and life
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