Da 5 Wolves: Tale Of Comms And Prints Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Da 5 Wolves: Tale Of Comms And Prints

knocking the sets out
plus there ain't no flossing here
you want catch me flauging either
neither i be a teaser for the teeth of the sickness
minus they weakness
don't even focus on the stock markets in the United States except the IEX
cause campaigning for your war is oh so critical condition
underground with mine as that fame and glitter don't apply me
if there be an IPO opportunity in indigenous lands where stock market exchanges give instructions
best to bet I have all of them ed
got about half of them by the apps of they tax systems
residential requirements
to they pace of they environments
and I'm all for the Tribes
cause we meet as I be honored humbly all from my eye to they eye
plus a yogurt franchise in Spain to India
for less than a ten percent down payment to the mob i meant bank on a150K
no to be mistaken for kilos from la familia
putting snitches eye witness plus needless weight to sleep with that chamomile iron similar
you dying and it no joke
under that tight 310 pound pressured bicep choke
every day and night knocking sets out
my forearms get bigger
directing construction activity at higher levels business of management futuristic
yeyeyeyeyegeah (echoing)
pecs flexing and triceps cocked
like a rooster watching vigilantly on the yard doing his walk
without explaining three truths
so best know there be no creeping
ahde ahdeepening (echoing)
2X2 means to me two be a Public Accountant and a Intranational Lawyer keep comms with the Community Diplomat and International Lawyer business militantly positive never versus negativity
taking other routes already been discovered
getting ghost like us wolves from Africa do in Europe do in Asia do in Latin America do in United States
cause the howling call is one minus one
the minute us hear is the same minute we +
centered from angles with no fillers
arranged to be realer
while they dealer claim killer...

knocking out my sets
been sold my bullet resistant vest
plus I elephant my freemasonic mindset

Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: real life,real success
Error Success