Dad For Me Poem by Bekah Tav.

Dad For Me

Do you even care that
You’re the reason for my heartbreak.
Did you even realize you had
Left me standing there
All alone, in this big world I stood.
Trying to be strong with you not here.
Stop playing these head games!
Get yourself away from me!
Stop making me want to
Be near and safe with you!
You tore me down,
Left me crying alone,
You broke me apart,
In you I looked for love and home
But now I see that,
I will never be,
I am never going to be,
Safe with you, alone.
The fear that you inflict.
I try now just. To. Ignore. It.
But the way you look at me makes
My hair stand on end.
Why must you be such an incredible fear!
You tore me down!
Left me crying alone.
Broke me apart!
When I looked for love in your face.
Where is the daddy I need to keep me safe?
Where are the arms to hold me when
I’ve had a bad day?
Where are you to fill the hole,
The hole in my heart,
The spot for you,
The one for a dad to be.

Why cant you be that dad for me?

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