Dan Sheahan The Poet From Meelin '1882-1977' Poem by Francis Duggan

Dan Sheahan The Poet From Meelin '1882-1977'

From Duhallow's green countryside his journey south began
Dan Sheahan the poet from Meelin was a legendary man
He wrote the famous poem The Pub Without Beer
That became a song that most rural Australians revere

Famous Australian singer songwriter Gordon Parsons reworked the poem The Pub Without Beer to a song The Pub With No Beer
That for decades has been sung in pubs and clubs to many a lusty cheer
A song that is known and sung Worldwide
Inspire by a poem by a poet from Duhallow's green countryside

Though by birth to Duhallow his bond it was strong
The source of his fame to Australia belong
In the Queensland sunshine he blossomed as a poet
Where his name does live on as one worthy of note

The Pub Without Beer that brought to it's author Dan Sheahan fame
Made of the Australian country singer Slim Dusty a legendary name
A song in pubs and clubs in towns in Australia that is sung Nationwide
Based on the poem of a poet from Duhallow's countryside

Longevity is the test of greatness it does seem this way
And the song The Pub With No Beer it is living today
Inspired by a poem written by Dan Sheahan when in his writing prime
Though this is going back many decades in time

Dan Sheahan who could tell of battles lost and won
A hero under the flag of Australia in World war one
With his wife Molly Walsh on their cane farm in Queensland they raised their family
Dan Sheahan in his long life created his own history

Australians may claim The Pub With No Beer for their own
But of the author of the poem it was based on Dan Sheahan it is widely known
That in Meelin in Duhallow he first saw light of day
From sunny Queensland in Australia in miles far away.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: people
from 'rhymeonly'
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