Dare To Try Poem by Connie Wine

Dare To Try

avor the words of wisdom,
hear them with your heart.
Let not the lack of knowledge
tear your soul apart.

Let not the sorrows of yesteryear last
beyond the pleasures of today.
Let the stars and the moon
guide you on your way.

With the colors of the rainbow
adorning your daily life,
take notice of the miracles around you
and let go of all the strife.

Strengthen your spirit with love
from family and friends.
They are the ones who stand by you
to help you as you cleanse.

The position you choose in life
is yours for years to come.
So choose wisely, my friend
never to the evils of this world succumb.

Indigo is the color of sadness
so do not let it affect your mood.
Take care to add a sprinkle of happiness
so your spirit will be renewed.

Life is full of treacherous people
who will try to make you fall.
So choose your friends carefully
for they will help you scale the wall.

Spend everyday of your life
reaching for the sky.
There is no limit to what you can do
if you only take the time to try.

spiritraven (Connie Wine) 08/26/08

Rina Ilazi 10 October 2009

good advices makes this a very beautiful poem

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