Dating Time Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Dating Time

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Dating time

We three musketeers
-the friends of old days
-Mo, Ghasem and myself
-had a date with the time
-school days and after
-training in bases
-flying in "States"
-to become the pilots

Talked of teen-years, later
-when we were much younger

Was fun to remember
-memories of those years
-recalling the war of Vietnam

The heroes, veterans
-were sent to kill and rape
-destroy the people, Vietcong's

While fighting in fronts
-we, cadets had their wives
- foreigner was the best; a secret

When came in call, letter
-simple was the answer
- "Cold is bed without you;
-Can't sleep, think of you."

And we learned how to lie
- "Betrayers answer while
-know it well in their hearts
-what they say is not right! "

Pentagon trained men
- "Act ruthless, be brave! "
-and obeyed the soldiers
-mindless in were blood sheds
-salaries came to wives and daughters
-we had a share when they spent
-in absence of husbands we rode them
Suddenly a call with complain:
- "No more us; no further…"
- "He came back from war! "


"Talk of joy is half-joy."
-though mostly must ignore!

None spoke or wrote it
-none speaks about it
-secrets are not revealed
-buried in grave of history…

Filled could be silos, chests
-albums full of photos and letters
-go to mills; are powdered

As youth, we had two heads
-gave the helm to lower
-the small was winner
-and women stole it

"Drink, dance, go to bed! "

Small part of brain was remained
-for daily training, duty
-never thought of these days

Possibly, I must say
- "Great is USA"
-I have learned from her
-enough to dislike her
-should not say: "I hate her! "

To her have sold too much
-of my past and culture
-my faith and parent's way

With her I have account
-to settle in peace…but…

Kumarmani Mahakul 09 October 2017

This is a very sensitive and thought provoking poem shared here.10

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