Dawn Chorus Poem by Chris Goss

Dawn Chorus

The softly trickling chirping birdies songs
Start their day making making their mark
When the silence is split by their song spark
Was one of them a musical lark
Or a sparrow with tuneful arrows
Or a blackbird making sure he was heard
Or a robin sounds a bobbing
Or a thrush perched in its bush
Or a yellow hammer, hammering away
Or a blue tit having a musical hit
Or a crow with the sound base so low
Or a starling that is merrily prancing
Or a dove filling the air with love
Or a wren trying its best from its den
Or a cockerel doing its best to tell
Or a pigeon who puts his 5 eggs in
Or a raven sounding like heaven
Or a cockatoo cleans out the loo
Or a rook singing from a musical book
Or a swallow only summer songs
Or a goose where it helps it limber loose
Or a duck that chances it's luck
Or a flamingo that just doesn't know
Or an ostrich that thinks it's so rich
Or a swan with its apron on
Or a hummingbird is a humming
Or a jackdaw wants to sing more
Or a Goldcrest that now and then has a rest
Or a Jay that just has to much to say
Or a chaffinch on its perch won't give an inch
Or a magpie that just takes others pie
Or owls always on the prowl
Or storks who do funny walks
Or penguins that serve the best gin
Or budgies that put their chick in buggies
Or parrots that eat all the carrots
Or canaries that eat all the berries
Or cockatoos who clean all the loos
I wonder if they are from the local park
Or if urban where do they park
Or on waters wading around
Or gliding on the surface so proud
Or on the wing taking off from the ground
All in all such lovely sounds
It is as they tune out of the dark
Some like little poppet angels they do hark
Some more majestic as they also hark
Suddenly it stops and ruffled feathers park
It is so gladly heard by the ears that spark
It was a little warmth for my weary heart
I just hope I can return to my dark

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