Dawn Of Unending Misery Poem by Ardwynn Odanracne

Dawn Of Unending Misery

“Never ever return”
I wandered, hopelessly lost,
Eyes of hostility staring me down.
My armor is battered
And so is my soul
And my existence had vanished
With the lava of hatred
That tumbled out of their lips.

“You aren’t wanted here”
Homeless, I have become,
A drifter in the sea of cold faces,
An outcast in a world of mockery.
I trudged on, bleeding;
My feet wounded and scraped.

“You’re free now. Go away”
I fled, nowhere to go,
Lost in a caving darkness,
No sense of belonging.
I wanted to be owned,
For I am free yet unwanted.

“Rest in piece”
I feel death clawing up at me,
My skin crawling with fear.
I want to run, to hide,
But from death there is no escape,
Only the unrelenting assault,
The unforgiving revelations,
That strip you of your defenses.
I give up, give in to the urge
And let go of my soul
That has become a fiasco of misery
As I stare at the rising sun,
My last dawn on earth…

Amber Kangas 09 March 2009

well that was intense but thats cool i dont know i guess the whole i give up thing is a little too much if you give up that makes you a coward well i hope my review wasnt too mean

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Ardwynn Odanracne

Ardwynn Odanracne

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