Dealing With Death Poem by David Thomas

Dealing With Death

i'm not quite sure how you do it,
i've never known serious troubles
since the people i've loved most
have always walked away...

the man i knew as a father
up and turned into another man,
the circumstances far less simple than that
but none the less i have lost the man...

the peer i grew to love as a brother,
my very best friend
well he up and moved away
without ever saying goodbye,
as did the next one and the one after that...

the first girl i ever crushed on
told me to get lost or she'd have her friends fight me,
life is too cruel... i didn't even do anything,
girls just don't sometimes like the way we guys are
(whatever the hell that means)

and as for the first and only love of my life,
she eludes me to this day because
of a bitterness and decay
that has arisen from our past love
as if a phoenix of anguish,
crushing all the love we had
and smushing all of the sparks we shared,
so that on any given night or day
one may find me alone
lost in my nostalgia...

So why my dearest friends,
where ever you may or may not be,
why is death so bad? so grave to our minds
Why like cold, does death's idea sting one in the soul?
through eyes like mine death is but
the peaceful greeting and embrace
of what is surely to be a great adventure.
(to whatever end we may pursue it)

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