Who is Death?
I am death, the killer of giants,
Men and women, young and old
Rich and poor
And all living things upon the earth
I am so called that when I enter a house,
Before I come out of that house,
All the people become powerless
Fatherless, motherless, husbandless, wifeless
And again, they share tears a lot
For the opulent, famous and kings
I kick them with my foot
While their wealth become worthless
But Lo!
I'm not death as you often call me
I'm the 'Messenger of God'.
I come to relieve people from old age,
Never ending sickness, suffering and endless agony!
Death certainly relieves many from its suffering but that is only one part of it. It sure causes pain and agony for the ones left behind. Again it all depends on circumstances. But one thing is sure we are powerless against it. It’s domain is beyond our mortal limits.
Death! most mysterious word! LIFE the meaning of DEATH at last! death; the OPEN DOOR of EVERLASTING kingdom (some believe) death; the expired of life nothing else more than this (some think) Death just a recycling motion to LIFE (SOMETIMES I FEEL)
I am in my mid-60s, and unless Richard Antwi is in his 70s or 80s, he could not have written this poem.
All the people become powerless Fatherless, motherless, husbandless, wifeless And again, they share tears a lot...death as a Messenger of God....... wealth is worthless. so many ideas dear poet. thank u.. tony
I read this poem in the 1960s. The original was difficult to locate, but this version cannot be newly written. Too reminiscent of the old. Any attribution to the right author?
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Really an insightful piece of poetry written with conviction. A thought provoking rendition.