Death Poem by Brandi Young


Rating: 4.0

Death is forever
So don't flirt with suicide

Death is painful
Stay away from knives

Death is not for lovers
So don't lie

Death is not for me
So don't even try

Death is clever
So be careful

Death is never fun
Stay away from strangers

Death is never pleasing
So don't get caught up in the hype

Death is never fair
So get use to it

Death is always occurring
So don't ignore it

Death is never what you expected
Sorry but it has to happen

Death is not for you
Please don't give up

Death is forever
Don't forget it


Olivia Fuller 24 January 2007

wow...i cut my self but after reading this it makes me wonder..

14 9 Reply
Day 13 September 2022


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ivory Harris 17 April 2008

when I was in the 7th grade i wanted to kill myself.I had a friend help me out. You are doing a good thing with this poem.

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suicide fun 23 May 2022

! so relatable fam, happened to me last week XD

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Macrina (Rire) Cloutier 21 February 2024

I can't express how much this helps me! I have experienced a lot of death in my life... but this poem is daying great things. Keep writing! !

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RAJIB Ahasan 29 March 2022

I'm trying to suicide still but i haven't morale enough

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Macrina (Rire) Cloutier 21 February 2024

Don't do it.. think of your family... whether that's your fam now or the one you'll build in the future.

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Mahtab Bangalee 01 July 2019

Death conclusion learning chapter of life.....///

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Together Forever 09 April 2009

Hello Brandi, I have read most of your poems and they are all so well written. I myself, love poetry. This one gets right to the point, well said. I love the way you wrote it. It just says so much. Keep up the good work. More poems please. Thank you, Leslie. =P

6 1 Reply
Rakesh Radhakrishnan 16 July 2008

Hi Brandi Young, I am a new member.I read your death poem.Its very interesting and beautiful. I impressed in your poem 'Death is forever.........'. Welldone! I expect these kind of good poems from your end. Thanks by Rakesh

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