Death Is A Festival, Vol2 Poem by Matloob Bokhari

Death Is A Festival, Vol2

Death is a Festival
Matloob Bokhari
Country: Pakistan
In a society
Where so many have so little
There death is a festival
In a society
Where people living under the same sky, don't have the same horizon.
There death is a festival
In a society
Where there is poverty, injustice and inequality
There death is a festival
In a society
where there are unwanted, unloved, and uncared children
There death is a festival
In a society
Where dreams don't dance
Where joy does not dance
Where love does not dance
There death is a festival
In a society
Where there is no one to feed the hungry,
No one to nourish the sick,
No one to clothe the sick
There death is a festival
In a society
Where the old men are dying in a devastating, disgraceful and lonely death
There death is a festival
In a society
Where homeless people are sighing in the frosty weather
There death is a festival
In a society
Where there is no mighty poet to paint the music of the moving moonlight and gloom of the silent sky.
There death is a festival
In a society
Where so many have little
There death is a festival

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