Death Of The Emo Hero Poem by Adrian Cordova

Death Of The Emo Hero

The reverse order of things is where I'm most popular, and the natural order considers me a rejct.
 Dawn came to me one day to say:
 'You are not a hero, you are only the one who will bring balance. Through the courage given by those that love you, and the strengh you create from those you love. To think yourself the hero, the most blasphemous thing you can think, is to say you will fail, because in truth heros are never granted immunity.'
 The facts of life are the most saddening thoughs of life, for we all spend some amount of time trying to imagine a better life, driveing us the entire race of humans to survive against all odds, forces, and wills. 
The lonelyest place you can go is not a place known physically, only spiritually. If you choose this place as your destination then you are on the natural order, if you choose to go to the most populated place the world has to offer, stay here. If you choose to follow me, you choose the way straight to the pits of the most foul place imaginable. 
One day Dusk came to me to say:  
'You must be the the beast, in order to find the beauty. To be an anti-Christ is not the awnser either. You were meant to set the example of what your world, what you love most dearly, has and become it, in order to change it. 
But now it is to late, the human strife of survival has lead to their own down fall.
Now come with me, you've been accepted into the sanctuary.' 
And just like that it was all gone. Everything.

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