Deep Love Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Deep Love

Dear heart, you fill me with your unconditional love and
caring, making me feel fulfilled and protected always,
your sole purpose in life seemingly to be with me alone.

Always by my side, heart beating with mine my dear, a
specialized form of deep love sent to we two from above,
never able to resist for you are the life I live within.

Every moment filling me with your innocence and purity,
meeting with my own and exploding into a momentous and
beautiful occasion.

Both of us being filled with colorful fireworks of an
intense passion and desire, a never-ending design of what
we two mean to one another.

Our lives forever revolving around one another no matter
what's happening in life, a fascinating love, keeping us
together forever my dear.

Daniel Brick 10 May 2017

This poem is a paen to monogamous love, which alone provides the time and focus to realize the depths of love. It has been said Don Juan loved a thousand women because he did not know how to love one. Amen to that. He never developed that fascination which deepens over time and makes two lives one life. He probably does not even hear the music that surrounds him. It might help to turn the metaphors COLORFUL FIREWORKS and THE LIFE I LIVE WITHIN into concrete examples.

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