Leaves, branches, trees waving good-bye to me
and playing a beautiful symphony with the
gentle breeze.
It touches my soul and draws me nearer to
heaven and God.
Thank you so much RoseAnn for such a nice compliments.I am touched by your words. Thank you once again. And All the Best for your poetry.
Beautiful write with your insight like part of nature as it draws you close to God!
I enjoyed your musing and the words that came from it. They touched me.
The little things in nature carries an enormous spiritual load. You have captured your experience very well. Thank you.
Leaves, branches, trees wave hello to me but with the same effect…drawing me closer to heaven and God.
what a poetic picture you draw with words! great imagination
my dear poetess Rose ann how nature brings your being to the Almighty..... so nice dear Roseann
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
playing a beautiful symphony with the gentle breeze. fine poetic expression. thank you Roseann for letting me read it. thank you