Descent Royal Family Tree Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

Descent Royal Family Tree

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I may have a descent royal blood is there such a words as half royal blood
doesn't mean I'm a royalty shaped in my life doesn't mean that I have butler or maid that service or living alive like a royalty in a wide palace I don't used a crown above my head like the fairy tale in a story book
I'm just like you and everybody else around that living alive in a glorious glory

that other may seeking for a wonderful job which earn a living life they want to
surely few royalty became a normal person just like you and I to be believe it or not
to believe there also a history of a family tree
a clan of a family that say the past
that reveal the truth of a grate great

grandparents untold history that long gone past a story of our late grandfather the Late Raden Ahmed the Dukes of Javanese and our grate great grandmother the Duchess is his wife and your grandmother is the princess but no where to be find in the Wikipedia page caused history are meant to be disclosed chooses to live alive like a normal family does

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