Diamonds Of Tenderness Poem by Ella Rose

Diamonds Of Tenderness

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I was barricaded by destruction and liberated by loss….

.....there you were…

One stare at you has broken through my wretchedness and distress,
one touch from you redirected my fierceness and turned off my loneliness.

I used to wake up in gloom and because of you I sleep in contentedness,
your fire killed all my fumes and I keep walking inside your completeness.

After all my dreaded seasons I buried my demons in your kindliness,
for all the wrong reasons I enjoyed my grievance within my consciousness.

My longing for your hunger resides in between your purity of liveliness,
I used to have an appetite with lies and fearing routines towards my childishness.

Now I am reborn because you crave my desire within your attentiveness,
I have sworn my fidelity turning my lonely sapphires into diamonds of tenderness.

Thursday, April 21, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life,passion
Dr Antony Theodore 22 April 2016

Now I am reborn because you crave my desire within your attentiveness, I have sworn my fidelity turning my lonely sapphires into diamonds of tenderness. beautiful dear poetess Ella. simply beautiful...... the use of words and combinations to express what is inside you is marvelous....... thank you dear poetess. Ella Rose. tony

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