Did I Lose My Spark? Poem by Peter Vector

Did I Lose My Spark?

Rating: 3.8

So long, it seems...
Years or eons, who am I to say?
Like the crackle of a static shock
Or the fizzing snap of a new lighter flint
The spark that can set a whole world ablaze

Did I lose it...
Can it ever be like before?
Cracking my knuckles I set to work
Laying down text in lines after lines
Like a mason slathering mortar between bricks

A mental sweat, a thought like a whistle
I look back, admiring what I've wrought from naught
Is this what is used to be
Or did I change, if so, for better or for worse?

Do I shed a tear, do I flip a desk, do I give a smile?

After so many years, things seem to blend together,
Separating yesterday from tomorrow seems to burden each hour,
But what am I, only a youth
I'll sit down in the corner of my room, against my wall
No. Not crying, not in rage, not satisfied.
Just in quite thought,
With only one question chiseled in my mind,

Did I lose it?
Did I lost that spark?

Kelly Kurt 18 April 2015

A very well done poem, Peter. Thanks for sharing

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Amelia Patterson 11 August 2014

Love the imagery in the first stanza! Maybe the speaker is not solely to blame for the loss of spark? I think that the reaction is also an important part of it. Not that the spark was necessarily 'lost' but maybe the receiver lost what made them feel a spark. This is an awesome poem.: ]

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Hey...nice one! I like!

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Dave Walker 26 July 2013

A great poem, like it.

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