Dinosaurs In The Breadbin Poem by jane solanrobertson

Dinosaurs In The Breadbin

Rating: 5.0

Dinosaurs in the breadbin,
Fish fingers in the loo -
If you had to live in our house,
You'd be crazy too!
There'd be chewed-up toast in your pocket
Marbles in your shoe,
And undies that perch on the lightshade
And threaten to land on you.
Evertone talks, no-one listens,
No other sound can break through
So when I crawl in at six-thirty,
No-one says 'Dad, how are you? '
Conkers congeal in the bathroom,
Jaffa cakes stick around too -
I run to our bedroom in panic
But I can still hear the hullaballoo!
There's a witches hat on the wardrobe,
It might cast a spell or two -
If only it turned kids into budgies -
(Jesus, I'm crazy too!)
My mouth is dry and I'm shaking
Must escape to the Nag's Head for a few -
So now you know why we lily-livered fathers
Stay out for as long as we do!

David Taylor 17 February 2008

So are you mum or dad? If your mum writing from dad's perspective, how very understanding, I like this, think I'll read some more....David

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Midnight Clarity 13 February 2008

Love the title and the rhythms of this. I have watched this scene at my sister's house. Perfectly captured. thank you.

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