Dismissal Poem by Liza Sud


Natalia told me: 'Get out of here,
I do not see you in my department. '
And as in Bermuda, my ship disappeared,
where the lights of the bay are shining brighter.

I do not know anymore - Where will I go?
Wherever I go - the truth is always there,
the layout is more transparent than on notes,
where anticipation - there is pleasure.

And our movements are the pawns' transfers,
Where one big pawn - is in face of Pilate.
But even it's split as a simple nutlet,
as for Gold - Christ as before doesn't like it.

Not about coincidence I am talking,
Cause the second Judas was an apostle,
But I mean that life is like poem's record,
And their conjuncture is wonder - for us.

Мне сказала Наталья: 'Иди отсюда,
Я не вижу тебя в своем коллективе'.
И исчез корабль мой, как на Бермудах,
и сияют ярче огни залива.

Куда я поеду? Не знаю больше.
там, где я бываю - все время правда.
там расклад прозрачнее, чем по нотам,
а где предугаданность - в том отрада.

И движения наши - движенья пешек,
где одна большая - в лице Пилата.
Но и в ней расколот простой орешек,
где Христос как прежде не любит Злато.

Не об этом речь, не о совпаденьях,
ведь апостол был и второй Иуда,
А что жизнь - как запись стихотворенья,
и их совпаденье для нас - как чудо.

Sunday, May 21, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: pain,truth,job
Bri Edwards 28 May 2017

are you referring to the fabled Bermuda Triangle i wonder. i got lost later in the poem with 2nd Judas etc. i guess someone lost their job! bri ;) p.s. i like gold. send any you don't want................to me. please!

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Daniel Brick 21 May 2017

Is the title a reference to Natali's rudeness? Is it as serious as being fired? or Is it a quarrel with a co-worker? This incident at work is enlarged by references to Pontius Pilate and Judas.But I'm unclear about the extent of the connection. Is that a metaphor of office conflicts when yiou refer to chess? You see - I read this poem carefully more than once, but I can't make the connections to rerallyu comprehend it. Can you send help? ?

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