Dispute For Wealth(104) Poem by VAIDYANATHAN.T. RAM

Dispute For Wealth(104)

Why need dispute in family?
Maybe due to wealth issues,
An dispute within brothers or sisters,
Maybe due to equal shares of ancestors property,
When the dispute starts for wealth in family,
The happiness and cooperation in family ends,
The family gets splits,
Sometimes, somewhere, somehow,
Even sons or daughters are separated from their loving parents,
Why need of shares from ancestors property,
When the god has given each one,
Capability to earn themselves,
Also the relationship breaks,
Sometimes, somewhere, somehow,
The sons or daughters expect,
The parents to split their shares,
When the parents are alive,
Anyway, The law to be rectified,
Such that let all get their wealth,
With their own earnings.

Anjandev Roy 01 September 2019

True. Great representation. Thank u, dear poet. anjandev roy.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 15 August 2019

Really dispute arises in a family for wealth and property which has been so touchingly and incisively delineated by you in this poem dear Vaidyanathan. I appreciate the way of presentation. The last t two lines are much impressive. Thanks for sharing.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 13 August 2019

Dear Poet Ram, This is an unusual subject for a poem. That you have written a poem on family dispute for wealth is laudable. Thank you for sharing the truth of inheritance of family property that causes disputes within a family........10.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 13 August 2019

Family dispute specially for wealth is something that is so despicable. But that is exactly what is happening in many families. Greed is the main cause. Ram, i like your last two lines of the poem, the best. Each one should toil and earn their living. That is how you live a dignified life. Not waiting to inherit property and health.

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