Divide And Rule Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Divide And Rule

Rating: 2.8

It is age old saying “Divide and rule”
But nice concept to make people fool
No one may suddenly realize its immediate impact
But strong enough to reduce the power in fact

We have never given serious thought
Wars have been unnecessarily fought
Enough of bloodshed with long drawn miseries
Humiliation for all including self and adversaries

Each religion has held diverse views
Its bad effect is known to only few
There are conflicts and uneasy calm
Leading to anarchy and causing harm

Let people claim good and feel fine with their faith
It is good to believe in anything with the fear of death
Almighty has put permanent deterrent factor in the mind
This factor compels them to believe in and remain kind

No kingdom has survived for long on this theory
They might have succeeded in annexing some territory
But people can not be ruled for longer period much to their disliking
As domination always hurts their sentiments and resorts to striking

We too are governed by propaganda machinery and fall for easy prey
They will take advantage and spread their dragnet to have sway
They may have success for short time but can not hold for long
As their calculation may not stand good and go wrong

Neither can we have unified pattern for religion
Nor we can appreciate one political system for entire region
The people aspire for some kind of system and go for adoption
As they have no other go but to fall for system without any option

Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 08 December 2011

Re: Divide and rule (Score: 1) by Pujakins on Thursday, December 08,2011 (16: 25: 49) Ths poem has a lot of truth in it, and is sincere, which is 2/3rds of my vote. It might have something personal in it that would add to it, if the poet wished. Warm Regards, Tasha Reply to This | Parent | Delete

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Vipins Puthooran 08 December 2011

''Divide and rule'' was one of the ruthless feudal agendas upheld by the East Indian comapny over its colonies.. By this idea they got power over the world and the loggerheads Kings didn't know its cruel aftermaths; Dear Poet You reminded me the history once we went through! ! ! 'Tis a g'd poem..I like this attitude, of your ooem,

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 08 December 2011

The people aspire for some kind of system and go for adoption As they have no other go but to fall for system without any option

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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