Divorce (1) Poem by U Win Kyi

Divorce (1)

Divorce (life must go on)

The love letters have been turning yellow
since the time so old, so old.
They were written with words, the sweetest.
Now the divorced couple say the harshest.
The wedding photos have been fading colors
since the time so far, so far.
They were the prettiest.
Now they are meaningless.
The wedding was a lovely ambience.
Now the cold war so belligerent.
They were the happiest.
Now they are the saddest.
They were the perfect match.
vowing not to part until death.
They were everybody’s envy
a tale of fairy.
Since he started to betray
the marital fabric began to tatter and fray.
He committed infidelity
with a woman of 3rd party.
It raked up a lousy mess,
Their marriage gone to death.
Now she knows the kiss can’t give
an unbroken promise.
Holding of hands
can’t protect a heart-broken.
The wedding ring can’t be taken
as a love token.
The marriage paper
can’t prevent a heart-shatter.
They are now 180 degree opposite
It is unrepairable rift.
Now she realizes
She still has a life.
She won’t wallow
in a pond of sorrow.
She believes
She could turn a new leaf.
She won’t cry
But says forever bye.

U Win Kyi 2015.8.19

Monday, August 24, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: divorce
Kelly Kurt 24 August 2015

Writing about these things helps to let them go. (I know) Peace

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