Dr. Wilson Crump Rippy At Tampa General Hospital Aged Twelve Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Dr. Wilson Crump Rippy At Tampa General Hospital Aged Twelve

My name is James McLain I was molested by Dr. Wilson Crump Rippy at Tampa General Hospital,
And reaching out to the other survivors, this is what I received from other children now grown

Has anyone ever been sexual abused as a child by Dr. Wilson Crump Rippy and now are an adult.
How did or does it effect your life and future?

By Alkai7 on July 17th,2009

I was sexually abused from 12 to 15 1/2. This took place while I was hospitalized under the care of a child psychiatrist. I was placed there for treatment for a myriad of difficulties that were eventually concluded (after many test) to be psychiatric in nature.

About a year after I was released from his care (because my parent's insurance refused to continue to pay for my treatment) , my parents were contacted by an attorney and asked if they wanted to be included in a class action lawsuit being brought against the child psychiatrist who had been treating me from 1972 to 1975.

My parents agreed to participate in the class action lawsuit; having been told that there was enough evidence for a conviction.

But the State of Florida (for what ever reason) only made him pay a hefty fine and then dropped all the charges letting him walked out free as a bird.

His name was Dr. Wilson Crunk Rippy, Jr.

The evidence against him consisted of 7 reel to reel films of child pornographic movies. One of which was produced in 1973. It was the one in 1973 I appeared in (which was what the attorney who contacted my parents had told them about, to find out if they wanted to participate) .

Dr. Rippy used the children in his 'care'? to make the films. Ages ranged between 3 years to 15 years.

I remember being seduced by an older boy, who later gave the authorities a box containing the 7 films because he was Dr. Rippy's editor.

Later, through lss and isolation, I finally caved and willingly participated in sex with the kids my age. However I have no memory (to this day) of the movie in which my parents were told I appear. What I do have are blank spots in my memory. (things I recall before and after certain dates, but nothing in between)

For a long time, I was a troubled person, filled with self loathing and self destructive behaviors. I started using alcohol and other drugs to cope with reality. As an adult, I had problems holding down jobs.

I was lonely and felt dirty, trapped and unlovable. I got into the Gay lifestyle because male contact reminded me of the sex I had while in that mental hospitalm and because having sex made me feel loved and wanted... for a while.

At some point I found a way to forgive Dr. Rippy for what he had subjected me to. It was only after I forgave him that the healing started. I had to let go of the past in order to grow and heal. It was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do.

I used to equate love with sex. They were interchangable words that meant the same thing. It took a few years to get to a place where I could distinguish the differences between them.

I remained in the Gay lifestyle until about 1996. In 1995 I was diagnosed with Klinefelter's Syndrome 47xxy. After a year of extensive study on what that is, I was able to realize that I was attracted to women about as equally as to me, and concluded that I must be Bisexual. (I had been on Hormone Replacement Therapy injecting Testosterone once a month since my diagnosis in 1995)

Fast forward to the present. I'm happy and have a lot of friendships. I get along great with my family, and I'm content being Celibate. I no longer hold grudges or take offenses. I have self worth. I'm mainly concerned now-a-days with the betterment of other people.

By PeterODB on April 17th,2008
I was 11, by a so called friend and his mate. I do enjoy being bi-sexual, but not when I was 11-13. Every now and then I get down on myself. I'm now bi-sexual and sometimes messed up, and would beat the crap out of them if i saw them again..

By jeffrey.j.gonzalez.1 on March 12th,2013
My parents took me to Dr Rippy when I was about 6 years old. I remember it all like it just happened yesterday. On the first visit he showered me with a room of toys, candy and soda. I came from a fairly poor family, few toys, candy on Halloween, milk and water. My father was a public school teacher and my mother a housewife. They became concerned of my hyper behavior and fits I threw in the grocery isle not getting the sugary cereal I wanted, which looking back I know I was just energetic and being the last of three children, a bit of a brat. I was promised that if I was good for my parents all week, I would get candy, soda, and that room full of toys to play with on each return, but if I was bad my parents would stop bringing me and I would get nothing. On the third visit he told my parents he would preform a physical and take some x rays, aka, take of your clothes kid and Im taking porn pics. I remember leaving my socks on and laying on a sofa. I also remember him opening the camera and changing one roll of film after another, maybe 5 or 6 times. That was the last time I saw the Dr. as my parents could no longer afford his services. After reading some of the other stories I can see the luck I had by my parents not being able to afford him
. He never got the chance to touch me and I had no bad effects from the acts. At about 10 years old my mother questioned me about any photography and I told her what he did. My heart goes out to the good people that were not as fortunate as I was with Dr Rippy.

By JBuick on January 15th,2013
I too was one of Dr. Rippy's 'kids'. My encounter was more brutal. I guess i am the only one he allowed to be taken off the unit in the summer of 1974 and passed around in an inner Pedophile/pederast ring that had got it's claws into the child mental health field. To this day, I recall a total of 27 abusers within a 3 1/2 - 4 month period.
Did anyone else have a similar experience such as this?

by...... on March 9th,2011
i was by a few of my brother's friends. I don't think he ever found out. I was very young. Most of it is blocked out so i can't really say much.

By Viszla on January 8th,2011
It's interesting reading these accounts of abuse perpetrated by the prominent, Tampa Bay area child psychiatrist, Dr. W. C. Rippy Jr. MD on his own patients!
I was also treated by doctor Rippy while a patient at Tampa General hospital in 1968 at the age of seven for two weeks, followed by three months or so of outpatient therapy.
It wasn't until 1976-77 that I was shocked in reading the front page headlines of the Miami Herald about his arrest and the videos implicating the doctor in the sexual abuse of numerous patients.

I was never personally abused by doctor Rippy but do recall the ‘unusual circumstances' of my first encounter with him during my initial physical / mental assessment which took place in an exam ante-room adjacent to the hospitals psych-ward and set off numerous mental red flags during my reading of the article ten years later. Having developed a basic understanding of standard medical practices- - -and this may sound unusual for a 17 year old but I was somewhat precocious, had already worked and volunteered two summers as an operating room orderly and grew up with a mother who was a career surgical nurse- - -I thought it unusual that the doctor had me ‘strip completely' and have me ‘remain so', while unattended with him, during the ‘entire' course of the examination which lasted twenty minutes or so!
By the age of seven I had already experienced a handful of hospitalizations for various surgeries and childhood infectious illnesses as well as at least one full school physical and never had I been asked to disrobe completely for any part of an examination, the closest being the preschool physical where I was required to briefly drop the front of my drawers so that the examiner could check for signs of a hernia or un-descended testicle and was always in the presence of the examiner and at least one attendant or my mother but ‘never' alone and fully naked for any period of time!

I can honestly say that I felt extremely uncomfortable and vulnerable during this encounter with doctor Rippy and have to wonder if during that time I was being studied as a potential victim / play thing by this obviously sick man!
Had doctor Rippy entertained such designs he probably concluded by my body language verbal responses and admission notes- - of having recent, reoccurring, unexplained rage reactions- - that I best not be provoked by any untoward advances.
What the doctor didn't and would never know is that the behavior for which I was presently hospitalized was precipitated and amplified by the fact that I had already been sexually abused, by an adult male relative only a few weeks before!
Knowing what I do now about doctor Rippy's activities and the affects of sexual abuse in my own life I am grateful for having been spared any additional insult - - - having spent years in therapy, having never married, having difficulty developing intimate relations and undergoing treatment for depression over an extended period of my life.

By, USAF242 on December 22nd,2010
I was one of Dr. Rippy's victims.

While my case is mild compared to some of his victims, he molested me too.

I'm 45 now, retired Air Force. I'm heterosexual, but pretty much completely sexually inactive (I expect I'll die single) . I think the drugs he had me on did more damage to my social developement than the molestation. I've always been socially awkward, although I've gotten by, and even been 'liked' by co-workers and families.
As for 'forgiving' him. Not a chance.
Forgiving scum like him would be a character flaw.

By Timjon on March 10th,2011
I was sexually abused many times and can relate to it. It is very important to talk to a professional about it- forgive the perpetrator and go on with your life. You need to do these three things. Deal with it, forgive the abuser and go on with your life. Develop a relationship with God. He is the One person you can always trust and who will always love you. I could not have survived without Him. He will never let you down.

Google Content from the Web.....
Researched by James McLain concerning the Sexual acts in question
You're are reading,
Has anyone ever been sexual abused by Dr. Wilson Crump Rippy at Tampa General Hospital
as a child and now are an adult.
How did or does it effect your life, your work and your future with your families.

Dr. Wilson Crunk Rippy
a child psychiatrist at Tampa General Hospital.
Abused many of U.S. as children and
I was sexually abused by Dr Rippy... and it still hurts.

Leah Ross 22 November 2017

not sure what to make of this

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Richard Koon 07 July 2022

I'm on FaceBook and my brother Wiley was a victum. Message me if you want.

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Don Cameron 17 April 2022

I am writing a book. I was locked up two years. Get ready for the lid to be blown off

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Franke Gee 30 December 2019

Took me 40 + yrs to search for others

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Pam Taylor 14 December 2019

p I was abused by my father sexually while under Rippy's care....my dad was involved in Kinsey's Crap and apparently Rippy knew and cohersed my dad to be filmed while having intercourse with me

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franke gee 30 December 2019

I was a victim

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Eric Goff 30 June 2019

Luckily it was limited to groping, but I am outed him. He told my parents it was " homosexual fantasies" .

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James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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