Dreaming Speaks To Dream Alone Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

Dreaming Speaks To Dream Alone

[to Emily Bronte]

I spoke with trees and rocks and clouds
because I could not speak with Crowds
or when I did my words were spurned

and that was how I came to learn
that dreaming speaks to Dream, alone
as Light, unto the blind.

or else my soul I must disown
when whispering through the tunneled snows
with grave presentiments for those too early on

the plains of human life disdained and disappearing.

through hell's disputes and flame to flame
at winter's core I still remain apart from those
who mock there is no gain in words for their own sake.

and for the Soul's.
awake I cried and on my knees to God who heard
me in the trees and in the rocks and in the clouds

and when I could not speak aloud
unless my words like shattered glass
lay splintered on the fallow grounds.

unschooled is better knowing this
and weddings ever stripped from bliss.
let Time itself melt into seas

that I may still delivered be
from those who hunt the singing word
and slay the singer in the silver wood.

mary angela douglas 14 june 2015; 11 march 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: god,words
Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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