Drugged On Myths, Symbols And Image Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Drugged On Myths, Symbols And Image

Marketed fantasy based realities,
Sold to increase a depleted thought process...
Many today have discovered useless,
As a necessity of life to be taken for granted...
While entitlements handed have become prioritized.
Continues to astound the ones skipping around,
The facts attacking their delusions.
Delusions fed to consume to go unrecognized.

And today as times are and enforced to exist,
So many resist for them a truth to face,
As being too offensive, too honest...
And just too expensive to expose to those duped,
Drugged on myths, symbols and image to pursue...
Too addicted to standards they value,
To jeopardize a hypnotized conformity disguised...
With minds safely unconscious and aided by deceits,
That might disturb an awakening of all from their stupors...
To identify the alternative opening eyes wide from a deep sleep.

'Am I dreaming?
What's going on?
Where am I?
How did you get in here?
Are you the Sugar Plum Fairy?
Here to deliver my wishes to come true? '

I'm here to deliver to you some truth.
Snap out of it.
I aint got all day.
You're not the only one on my list.~

Is that you? '

I think this calls for another approach.
This mysterious messenger deliver service,
Isn't working.~

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