Eating A Disaster Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

Eating A Disaster

Feeding off every feeling like a monster. Eating a disaster. Things are spinning. Faster and faster. When will it stop. Why is it so hard to let go. I will never know. But the show must go on. At the break of the next dawn i will start walking. To the better life. The one that makes me forget all my regrets. Whispers will constantly haunt me here. So i must disappear. I cant have her so near. I need protection from this evil. Distance, is the only solution. I'm not running. Im hunting to fill a hole that has got this situation out of control. Call it being cold. But shes fiction in my mind. And that cause me to break down every time. My dues have been paid. And i have worn out my welcome to stay. To the hell with it all. No more stalling. I find it so god damn appalling. I hate it because i know what i want. And its the one thing i can not have. So what else can i do. A couple bucks, a car, and ill drive so fucking far. A whole world at my disposal. So why be so close minded or blinded. Its a clock with no rewind. Her loss not mine. Steadfast, eraseing our past. Prentending each breath is my last. True motivation atlast. No help needed. I stand my ground on concrete. Its not a retreat. But instead its what i need for me. Call it an unborn fantasy. Call it a choice with an unheard voice. One of many. Writing it all out as it about to come about. Not a shred of doubt. Listen to me as shout this is where i stand. I am but only a man. With my own convictions. With my own afflictions. I will not bow or back down. for i am now standing on solid ground.

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