Emotions Poem by Jo Elliott


Emotions can be low and high,
they can make you laugh,
they can make you cry.

Feeling them can cause some strain,
whatever they are they can be a drain.

When you feel good,
there's still some doubt,
we all find things we're not happy about.

Too fat,
too thin,
too tall
or too short.
We all dwell in the self critical web
when we're caught.

Instead of staying positive
from the high that we feel
we can make our own lows
to try and keep it real.

Keeping it real though
can cause great stress
and make you feel like your head's in a mess.

A battle then goes on inside of you
because it feels like you're fighting
two points of view.

People can say things that help you feel nice
when you approach them for some advice.
This makes you feel unworthy and you doubt that it's true
because you don't even know
who is the real you!

It's then time to delve and become self aware
and focus on the things that will help you to care
about you as a person and realize you are
worthy of the good things in life,
by far!

Eradicate the bad thoughts
that cause you to doubt
and start living your life
as if you have some clout.

Everyone has a talent,
a reason to live!
Find out what it is to the world you can give.

Remove the doubt and you will see
you will live your life
happy and free.

Recognise the difference
between right and wrong
and this will enable you to sing your own song.

Open up your intuitive side
and you will see your pathways clear and wide.
You can then travel these
with an open mind
and your place in the world
you will find.

Thank you for reading 💖

What is it I feel? This one was a journey into self criticism and how we are our own worst enemies when it comes to judgements and how if someone is being nice how it can have the adverse affect when the journey starts. It's also about what can be done to come out of that web, how to find yourself, your talent, your worth and your reason to be here and live. I immersed myself in a creative bubble, I wrote my journal, I expressed in poetry, I doodled, I drew what was in my mind and also I spoke with a confident flow. I was aware of my journey; I was simply placing it all in the right place. Sometimes what I wrote served as a reminder at different places and times in order to decipher every tiny part and when I saw these working I was able to confidently share my knowledge with others who walked into my pathway. Be it a few words at a brief meeting or an ongoing journey with someone, the fact that our journeys had met was significant to both of us and each able to take something away with us.
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