Failed Mission Poem by James Nnanyelugo

Failed Mission

‘T was a beckon for mission;
Thought I saw a vision;
But could as well have been envisioning;
Silly daydreams and nightmares.

Mistaken for funfair's;
But the end was just theirs
To enjoy none the less;

She was the most beautiful at every turn;
That my eyes I ever set on;
Could as well have a crush on;
Could as well have ended it as just a turn on;

But No! I took the bull by the horn;
And called her Mon amour! ;
Daisy was the word and daisy was the bond;
If I had a choice I will replay the time bond;

Why, it happened too fast, too hot for a bond
breaker to have had a moment to dive the pond;
But the shock was just about to come;
So many beautiful things, all is come

All is gone and what is left is a combed heart;
Like smiles of a new dawn;
Her eyes brightened my every morning;
Over a thousand one fifty seven dawns;

Her sweet smiles woke me to the table for Golden Morn;
Could hardly believe the day has begun;
Until I heard a whispering sound in my ears ‘good morning';
Electrifying kiss usually wrapped in rosy burns;
Just can't believe it's all gone!

Thursday, June 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: lost love
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